Angela Davis

We have to have a kind of optimism. One way or another I’ve been involved in movements from the time I was very, very young, and I can remember that my mother never failed to emphasize that as bad as things were in our segregated world, change was possible. That the world would change. I learned how to live under those circumstances while also inhabiting an imagined world, recognizing that one day things would be different.

Angela Davis, interviewed by Ava Duvernay in this month’s issue of Vanity Fair. Full interview here

And follow that up with this raw interview from The Black Power Mixtape where she discusses the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing and more. (interview at 00:55 to 05:25)

Davis is a beacon of truth and all that’s possible when we allow ourselves to imagine a more just world and then show up to transform that vision into reality. She is the ultimate Queen of Swords – a true freedom fighter.


*Vanity Fair cover photo by the always brilliant Deana Lawson

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