dark wave

Go Dark

To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,and find that the dark,

The Monk By The Sea

Awakening the Soul

Imagination is the missing ingredient most needed to turn things around and truly change the dire conditions that prevail on earth at this time. It

Pagan Otherworlds Tarot

Paying Attention

I’ve been reading the cards for more and more folks lately and every session has been its own kind of wild, weird and wonderful. Tarot

Francis O'Connor set design for Waiting for Godot

Letting in the Mess

Samuel Beckett and Tom F. Driver on the Function of Art in a World in Crisis There is so much about my work as an

Cosmic Tides

Cosmic Tides

A man’s soul is like a lagoon connected with the sea by a submerged channel; although to all outward seeming it is land-locked, nevertheless its water

common sense crash test dummies gun reform

Common Sense

You can still learn a lot from a dummy. Growing up in South Carolina in the mid-80’s, I remember the adults around me grumbling about

where you headed

Where you headed, boo?

Life is motion. We are always going somewhere, even when we’re running from something else. We are always pointed at something. The future meets us


The Magician

Instagram is The Magician. The OG trickster. The sleight of hand illusionist. Instagram (and WordPress and most of the rest of the internet) does a


Human Optics

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the ‘Universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his

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