The Time That Is Given Us
“Mordor. That name even you hobbits have heard of, like a shadow on the border of old stories. Always after a defeat and a respite,
“Mordor. That name even you hobbits have heard of, like a shadow on the border of old stories. Always after a defeat and a respite,
Look to the irony in any story and you’ll find the moral, the gospel, the very reason for that story existing in the first place.
Yes, by all means, breathe in the light. Yes, absolutely, focus on the positive. Pull out the crystals, light up the sage. Keep yourself safe.
Most of us have a recurring dream of one kind or another. Some folks dream of flying, of losing their teeth, I dream of waves
If you really truly want to know your future, try this: ….. Find a quiet, comfortable, private space. Sit and let your eyes close… drop
Imagination is the missing ingredient most needed to turn things around and truly change the dire conditions that prevail on earth at this time. It
Zion National Park in May of last year. We set up camp in the shadow of one of those glorious red rock monoliths with the
I’ve been reading the cards for more and more folks lately and every session has been its own kind of wild, weird and wonderful. Tarot
I grew up closeted in the backwoods of South Carolina in the 80’s and became interested in storytelling around 9 years old when my father
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