Applied Mythology

Artist Malika Ali Harding wrote a great article recently for Puttylike on her interests in “woo woo” practices and her experience working with this woo woo practitioner right here.

Wade encourages creatives to tap into applied mythology, especially when they’re at a crossroads. This modality looks at primordial narratives, those old stories that are foundational to human existence. Applied mythology demonstrates how these myths relate to contemporary life. 

Heeding the Call is the offering that Malika chose for our time together. HTC consists of two private sessions where we dig into the archetypal journey of your life using the teachings of James Hillman, Joseph Campbell and others to draw out the deeper calling that resides within each of us.

I’m a visual storyteller, so looking into how my personal biography might tie back to and be influenced by archetypal characters and their exploits, piqued my interest.

Wade gave me so much to dig into, I’ll be returning to his notes and wise counsel again.

The full article is here and more on Heeding the Call here. ✨

Image: “Teach These Souls to Fly” from The Book of Urizen by William Blake, 1796

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