Todd Heisler photo

A New Day

If you voted, phonebanked, textbanked, donated, marched, had those difficult conversations with family, helped register voters, shared resources, or showed up in whatever way you

Wade Gasque

How to Save Democracy #03

Make It Personal Do you know any nonvoters or undecided voters? Times are tough and there are a lot of disenfranchised and overwhelmed humans out

The World Card from Delta Enduring Tarot

How to Save Democracy #02

Vote. No matter how futile it all feels, we have to vote like our lives depend on it because our lives absolutely depend on it.

Tiny Actions Over and Over and Over

How to Save Democracy #01

Remind yourself that you can’t save democracy. Sobering, depressing, I know. But let go of that burden (it’s overwhelming you) and just do one small

Angela Davis photo by Deana Lawson

Angela Davis

We have to have a kind of optimism. One way or another I’ve been involved in movements from the time I was very, very young,

John Lewis documentary Good Trouble

Good Trouble

How lucky were we to have John Lewis in this world, showing up for disadvantaged people everywhere, making “good trouble” in the streets and in

Illustration by Nikkolas Smith

Showing Up

In case you’ve got protest fatigue, in case you’re questioning the impact this is all having, in case you’re feeling overwhelmed – here’s a growing


Language of the Unheard

I am writing this in my Santa Monica apartment. Right outside there are sirens blaring, scores of helicopters hovering overhead, two stores across the street

Angels Landing Zion National Park

Aesthetic Arrest

Zion National Park in May of last year. We set up camp in the shadow of one of those glorious red rock monoliths with the


Freedom Now

I grew up closeted in the backwoods of South Carolina in the 80’s and became interested in storytelling around 9 years old when my father

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