A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the ‘Universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his
As I struggle to hit the “public” button today to share this blog with the world, the voice in my head screaming who the hell
As Trump continues to violate every tenet of the Christian faith with his policies (and tweets), it’s inspiring and refreshing to hear a respected Christian leader speak out about the hypocrisy and “cesspool of silence” within that community.
Oh muse,how you fix at me with sleepy eyes your tail a pendulum, back and forthcleaving bloated minutes on the brink(always on the brink)of the
My forever friend, Rachel Kann, writes and performs poetry that sets rooms on fire. There is such vibrancy and buoyancy to her work, a how-beautiful-and-how-terrifying-is-it-to-be-alive
Consider the numerous strange rituals that have been reported from the primitive tribes and great civilizations of the past, it becomes apparent that the purpose
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