As Above, So Below

The turmoil and uncertainty we’re feeling isn’t just a reaction to what’s happening in the world. It’s a two-way street we’re on; a symbiotic, interdependent existence. The world outside is a reflection of the world inside and the problems of the world begin and end within ourselves. 

We all know there’s no going back to the way things were – our jobs are changing, our cities and towns, even our families look different. We can ride those waves of change only to the extent with which we’re able to yield to the changes within. 

What are the tired ideologies laying siege to your capital – the old stories that no longer serve but lately have been rearing up, terrified of losing their power over your life? What parts of you are fanning the flames, looking for conspiracy to justify your fears, adding fuel to your already fragile state? And, most importantly, where are the new voices within you, the subtle but growing voices of change? What have they been saying to cause all this fear and backlash? Their ideas may seem scary or foolish, but these are your voices of tomorrow. This is the new you that’s already intuiting what is needed to thrive in the changing world outside. This is the you that knows the old ways are dying; the you that is ready to be heard, to be trusted and to lead. 

*Image from the series “Spiral Heads” by Pavel Tchelitchew, 1949-52

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