La Morte tarot card

Fire Ritual

Tonight, on this longest night of Winter Solstice, think about everything from this year that you’d like to say goodbye to. Write each bit down


New Light

A Ritual for Sun’s Return Try this ritual any time between the winter solstice and the end of the calendar year and journal about your


The Trickster Within

Using Magic to Manifest the Life of your Dreams I saw a client recently who was struggling with direction in her life. Should she get

Nautilus shell art by William Conklin

Self Care in the Time of Corona

Yes, by all means, breathe in the light. Yes, absolutely, focus on the positive. Pull out the crystals, light up the sage. Keep yourself safe.

Man Ray The Eye That Sees Everything

Time Travel

If you really truly want to know your future, try this: ….. Find a quiet, comfortable, private space. Sit and let your eyes close… drop



Intuition is having a moment. Search the hashtag on Instagram and you’ll get over 2 million hits. It’s a trendy catchword with the witches and

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