New Year Planner Tarot Spread

New Year Planner

She’s back! The New Year Planner – a 90-minute, season-by-season roadmap for your 2024. We’ll discuss how to work with your card-of-the-year, the archetype through

Virgo New Moon Reading

Virgo New Moon Reading

I pulled a few cards for our lunar month ahead, friends. I hope this resonates. Make sure you’re receiving the museletter (or you can join

Happy as Lazzaro and the fool archetype

The Fool

I watched the weird and wonderful little film, Happy as Lazzaro, the other night centered around a simple-minded farmhand named Lazzaro. Lazzaro embodies the archetype



Intuition is having a moment. Search the hashtag on Instagram and you’ll get over 2 million hits. It’s a trendy catchword with the witches and



As I struggle to hit the “public” button today to share this blog with the world, the voice in my head screaming who the hell

Wade Gasque Write Club performance Ecstasy


Here’s a video of my most recent reading at Write Club, a storytelling event where two writers are each given a word and a week

The Museletter

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