Christ in the Wilderness, painting by Stanley Spencer

The Sting

The Scorpio of ancient Greek myth was a giant scorpion summoned by Gaia (Earth) after hearing the hunter Orion boast that he could kill every

Crabs Near the Water's Edge - a woodblock print by Yashima Gakutei, 1830

Strong Back, Soft Front

All too often our so-called strength comes from fear not love; instead of having a strong back, many of us have a defended front shielding a

Pacific Ocean New Moon in Pisces

Drowning in Possibilities

This Saturday we gather online for the new moon in Pisces, our second of this style of gathering. Unlike the Full Moon Gatherings where I

New Moon Photograph by Vivek Doshi

New Moon Gathering

I’ll be facilitating an online gathering this evening at 6PM PST via Zoom for anyone who would like to join in circle on this Aquarian

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